

We encourage individual expression at Korowal, so there is no need for a school uniform. 

Students wear their everyday clothes to school. We encourage students to consider the practicality and potential impact of their clothing, eg. aggressive visual images, in a Kindy to Year 12 environment. There is, however, a dress code as set out below.

Clothing for school needs to:

  • be appropriate for a school setting eg. short shorts are not suitable for a school setting, midriff is to be covered, and shoulders are to be covered when outdoors.
  • enable freedom of movement without constant adjustments 
  • provide adequate cover and sun protection 
  • not be ragged, torn or dirty 
  • not contain negative messages or images
  • include a hat which provides protection for face, ears and necks. Beanies are acceptable on very cold, low UV days 
  • include closed shoes throughout the year (it is strongly recommended that primary children wear runners) 
  • be labelled with your child's name. We take clothing that has not been claimed and has no name tag to a charity bin at the end of each term.

Winter Weather Information 

Please make sure that your child arrives at school dressed for the weather – winter coats, hats, gloves when necessary. During the winter terms (May to September) temperatures can be unpredictable, and dressing in layers is advised.