

The ongoing growth and success of Korowal School is built on a foundation of responsible and accountable governance. The governing body of the school is the Korowal School Board (KSB). Korowal School is a not-for-profit company incorporated in NSW. We encourage parents and carers to become voting members of the Company when they enrol their child.

2022 AGM 

At the 2022 Annual General Meeting Korowal thanked and farewelled Parent Director, David Taylor. Two new Directors were welcomed to the Korowal School Board bringing new skills, experience and perspectives to our school governance. We now include among our board of directors, Michelle Montgomery and Nathanael Hunter.

To read the Korowal Principal's AGM speech, click here

To read the KSB Chair's AGM speech, click here


Korowal is governed by the School Board, made up of committed community members in service as Directors. This school strives for consultation and collaboration in decision making and planning processes. The management of the school is in the hands of our devoted Executive Team:

School Principal, Cindy Barnsley
Deputy Principal, Matthew Whaley
Business Manager, Melanie Williams

The Directors of the School Board are elected every three years. This arrangement allows for the consensual and efficient operation of the school, both administratively and educationally, and also encourages a constructive partnership between parents/carers and teachers. We strive for consensus in all decisions.

Parents and teachers are encouraged to take an active interest in school governance through voting or nominating for election to the School Board. There is an Annual General Meeting in May each year.

Governance Policy 

Management and Operation of the School Policy and Procedures Handbook Download

Korowal School Board

David Wright  Chair
Michelle Montgomery Deputy Chair, Parent
Greg Lucas  Director, Parent
Mat Spiteri  Director, Parent
Nathanael Hunter Director, Teachers' Aide
Angela Gillespie Director, Parent
Natalie Young Director, Parent
Suneeti Rekhari Director

Meet the Directors